Mugs: One of my Favorite Gifts to Receive
I'm not quite sure why, but it is true that I absolutely love mugs. I love to receive mugs. I love to collect them. I love to look at them. I love to drink from mugs. I love to open my cabinets and stare at them, close my cabinets, reopen my cabinets and stare again. I love to adjust my mugs so that the handles interlock for maximum storage capacity so that I can buy more mugs. I don't really know why. Love is a strange thing, folks.

I also love dogs, rescued dogs specifically. So, When my mom gave me this mug last Christmas I cried. I really did. She was shocked that a little gift she picked up on a whim was so dear to me. She even said, "Of all the gifts that I thought might make you cry, that was the last one I'd have guessed!" Well, then she must have underestimated how well she knows me, because that mug was 100% me and it meant a lot to receive it.
I think that's one of the wonderful things about mugs. You can collect and curate your collection so perfectly so that when someone opens your cabinet... there you are! Your whole being, your essense summed up in phrases, images and colors. Being that Texans are known for being pretty succinct and to-the-point, I feel that many times a well-matched mug can represent a person pretty well.
My love of mugs is the reason I decided to jump in and start a gift shop reppin' Texas. Oddly enough, throughout all my years of collecting mugs I only have one Texas mug. Just one. Its not that I haven't seen Texas mugs around. I've seen them. I just didn't want any of them. Mostly, they're in tourist, every-day-Joe, kind of places that just don't get me excited. They're not bad, per se, they're just not what I want to represent me. They don't speak to my inner Texan.